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10000 Dice An Exciting Game Of Strategy And Chance

10,000 Dice: An Exciting Game of Strategy and Chance

Beginner's Guide to the Exciting Dice Game

How to Play 10,000 Dice

10,000 Dice, also known as Ten Thousand or Zilch, is a classic dice game that combines strategy and luck. The goal of the game is to be the first player to reach 10,000 points by rolling dice and scoring various combinations.


To play 10,000 Dice, you will need six standard six-sided dice and a way to keep score. On your turn, you will roll all six dice and set aside any dice that form scoring combinations (see Scoring below). You can continue rolling the remaining dice as many times as you want, but if you fail to set aside any scoring dice, your turn ends and you lose all points earned that turn.


The following dice combinations are worth points:

  • 1s: 100 points each
  • 5s: 50 points each
  • Triples: Sum of the three dice x 100
  • 3 Pairs: 500 points
  • Run of 6: 1000 points


The first player to reach 10,000 points wins the game. If multiple players reach 10,000 points in the same turn, the player with the highest score wins.

Tips for Beginners

* Aim for 1s and 5s as these are the most consistent scoring combinations. * Don't be afraid to roll multiple times, but be aware of the risk of rolling a zero. * Keep track of the dice that have been rolled to avoid rolling the same combinations. * Don't give up if you fall behind. There's always a chance to catch up with a lucky roll.
